Radiation Safety & Control Services (RSCS) launched the latest SIM-Teq radiation training system, an upgraded version of its original wireless network. Enhancements include improved size and performance of the SIM-Teq simulated source and RAD-Tag dosimeter interface for automatic response.
Upgraded software for instructors is also included, along with a new feature enabling automatic identification of isotopes by RID training devices. These improvements offer a safe and immersive learning environment and enhance radiation training programs' effectiveness.
Trainees can now engage in hands-on simulations of various radiological scenarios, honing decision-making, and response skills without real radiation exposure. This advancement sets a new standard in radiation training, empowering personnel in government and industry sectors to confidently handle radiological incidents without the risks. Additionally, the transition from Gen 1 to Gen 2 has boosted realism and responsiveness, incorporating valuable insights and introducing new training devices for broader challenges.